We have received numerous complaints of calls from someone claiming to be from “American Senior Benefits” or “Senior Benefits Services”, in violation of the federal Do-Not-Call list and other laws. We have no connection with these calls and no way to stop the criminals making them. If you are receiving these calls, we are sorry that you are experiencing this illegal harassment. We have reported the activity to law enforcement and will assist them in any way we can. You may be able to sign up for a robocall-blocking service with your carrier or use other robocall-blocking technology to filter the calls. Here is an article with more information.
Our company does not call numbers on the Do-Not-Call list and otherwise complies with law. The individuals receiving these calls do not appear to be American Senior Benefits customers. We have not experienced any security breach or loss of customer information related to this criminal activity.
We will update this page if we learn any new information.